– Simplify React Apps With React Hooks – Simplify React Apps With React Hooks-APoLLo
English | Size: 220.54 MB
Category: Tutorial

With the massive improvements to function components in React via hooks and suspense, you may be interested in seeing how to refactor a typical class component to a simpler function component that uses React Hooks features. In this course, Kent will take a modern React codebase that uses classes and refactor the entire thing to use function components as much as possible. We’ll look at state, side effects, async code, caching, and more! – CSS Selectors In Depth-APoLLo – Css Selectors In Depth-APoLLo
English | Size: 134.57 MB
Category: Tutorial

Cascading style sheet (CSS) selectors are the glue that connects styling to HTML content. Understanding how they work enables a developer to write more semantic markup and keeps styling modular for better project maintenance.

Lynda – Cybersecurity with Cloud Computing

Lynda – Cybersecurity with Cloud Computing-APoLLo
English | Size: 333.46 MB
Category: Tutorial

More and more companies are migrating their applications and infrastructure to the cloud, shifting operational aspects to service providers such as Microsoft and Amazon. However, cloud computing is a shared responsibility, especially when it comes to keeping your data, users, and systems safe. In this course, Malcolm Shore outlines the major forms of cloud technology, its benefits and risks, and the cybersecurity standards and body of knowledge required to mitigate those risks. He introduces concepts such as software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and the different deployment models available. He then reviews offerings from Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Apps. Malcolm also shows the Security as a Service (SecaaS) capability of each platform, which can be used to identify unauthorized access and put cloud security defenses like encryption, logging, and monitoring into place. – Practical Advanced Typescript – Practical Advanced Typescript-APoLLo
English | Size: 247.87 MB
Category: Script

This course explores some of the new advanced TypeScript features, using practical examples you might encounter in your projects. – End To End Testing With Cypress-APoLLo – End To End Testing With Cypress-APoLLo
English | Size: 286.41 MB
Category: Tutorial

The tools available for unit testing have come a long way. While testing may never be “easy”, the available tools have certainly moved testing closer to the simple end of the spectrum. Full end to end testing hasn’t quite kept the same pace and as a result many applications are testing manually and often by users in production. Cypress provides a testing environment that makes end-to-end testing fast and reliable with a simple API that makes creating automated unit tests for your web applications a no-brainer.