Linux Academy – Managing and Troubleshooting File and Directory Permissions in Linux

Linux Academy – Managing and Troubleshooting File and Directory Permissions in Linux-APoLLo
English | Size: 583.91 MB
Category: Tutorial

The interactions among the different permission schemes in Linux can be a little bit of a "magic cloud" to some. This course aims to alleviate some of that confusion, and gives tips on how to troubleshoot permission errors that are commonly seen. We’ll cover "normal" (octal) permissions, ACLs, SELinux configurations, and some other special permission settings that aren’t as commonly used.

Linux Academy – MariaDB Cluster Admin Deep Dive

Linux Academy – MariaDB Cluster Admin Deep Dive-APoLLo
English | Size: 336.65 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course we will discuss the Galera write-set replication technology as implemented on MariaDB and CentOS 7. We will discuss the architecture and installation of MariaDB Galera Cluster. We will also discuss using the Galera Load Balancer and several cluster use-cases.

Linux Academy – Elastic Certification Preparation Course

Linux Academy – Elastic Certification Preparation Course-APoLLo
English | Size: 2.24 GB
Category: Tutorial

Elasticsearch has become a favorite technology of administrators, engineers, and developers alike. Whether you are using it with the rest of the Elastic Stack, or on its own, Elasticsearch is a powerful and user-friendly search and analytics engine. Log aggregation, operational analytics, application performance monitoring, NoSQL databases, site search, and ad-hoc data analysis are just a few of the many things Elasticsearch is used for. The Elastic Certified Engineer Certification was created to recognize IT professionals with expertise in Elasticsearch. An Elastic Certified Engineer can design and deploy a complete Elasticsearch solution.

Linux Academy – Microsoft Azure Security Essentials

Linux Academy – Microsoft Azure Security Essentials-APoLLo
English | Size: 2.42 GB
Category: CBTs

This course is designed to help you gain the high-level knowledge on some of the important capabilities when it comes to securing the Azure platform with an emphasis and overall goal to achieve confidentiality, integrity, and availability on these various cloud systems. The course is also designed to provide insight into the trustworthy foundation provided by Azure with many configurable security options to best suit your organizational needs and to fulfill those requirements.

Linux Academy – Google Cloud AI Services Deep Dive

Linux Academy – Google Cloud AI Services Deep Dive-APoLLo
English | Size: 932.80 MB
Category: Tutorial

Welcome to the Google Cloud AI Services Deep Dive course. I’m Joe Lowery, and I’ll be your guide through this amazing collection of technology that will, without a doubt leave you wide-eyed in wonder at the possibilities of what you can accomplish at this very moment.