Linux Academy – Amazon Connect Essentials

Linux Academy – Amazon Connect Essentials-APoLLo
English | Size: 2.91 GB
Category: Tutorial

Amazon Connect is a cloud-based contact center solution that revolutionizes the way companies interact with their customers. Amazon Connect makes it easy to set up and manage a customer contact center while also providing reliable customer engagement at any scale. The intent of this course is to take business or technical stakeholders from absolutely zero Amazon connect knowledge to being able to justify, design, and implement a solution within their business.

Linux Academy – Managing Microsoft Azure Applications and Infrastructure with Terraform

Linux Academy – Managing Microsoft Azure Applications and Infrastructure with Terraform-APoLLo
English | Size: 316.15 MB
Category: Tutorial

Cloud Admins are seeing an increasing demand to deploy resources with shorter and shorter time contstraints, while maintining formats and standards for environment configuration. Therefore, admins turn to products like Ansible, Puppet, SCCM, and of course, Terraform.

Linux Academy – Applying Infrastructure as Code and Serverless Technologies to AWS Deployments

Linux Academy – Applying Infrastructure as Code and Serverless Technologies to AWS Deployments-APoLLo
English | Size: 3.58 GB
Category: Tutorial

Applying Infrastructure as Code and Serverless Technologies to AWS Deployments is a mini-course which is designed to stand on its own or be part of a Learning Path. The overall intent of the Learning Patch is to prepare the student for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam. The course has four distinct sections: 1) Elastic Beanstalk Deployments will give the student an in-depth look at the features and use cases for using Elastic Beanstalk in deployments. 2) Lambda, API Gateway, and State Machine deployments will look at these three services individually and also how they interact to facilitate deployments. 3) This section at CloudFormation begins by giving the student a thorough understanding of CloudFormation and concludes by detailing the many ways that CloudFormation interacts with other services to complete deployments. 4) A small, but detailed section on AWS OpsWorks which will prepare the student for using OpsWorks and any OpsWorks challenges which may arise on the certification exam.

Linux Academy – Text Editing with VIM Vi iMproved

Linux Academy – Text Editing with VIM Vi iMproved-APoLLo
English | Size: 1.68 GB
Category: Tutorial

This course is a deep dive into the world of the Vim text editor.
It is made up of two parts:
The Vim Survival Kit – A single lesson that contains a condensed set of just the absolute basics of how to use Vim for your first few editing sessions Working with Vim – Expands on and goes a lot further than the Survival Kit, diving deeper into each of the foundational Vim areas, including advanced operations.

Linux Academy – AmAZon Aurora Cloud SQL DB Essentials

Linux Academy – Amazon Aurora Cloud SQL DB Essentials-APoLLo
English | Size: 2.40 GB
Category: Tutorial

Hi, and welcome to this course on Amazon Aurora! In this course we will be covering all of the essentials that you need to know for Amazon Aurora with some deeper dives into Aurora’s features, management, security, storage, and reliability, data management, performance, and also troubleshooting topics.