– Algorithms In Javascript – Algorithms In Javascript-APoLLo
English | Size: 242.56 MB
Category: Tutorial

Algorithms are functions that are used to solve a class of problems. Really any piece of code can be a algorithm! There are common algorithm implementations that have proven to accomplish tasks faster than others. However, speed is not measured in seconds but in terms of growth (Big O notation). – Progressive Web Apps In React With Create React App – Progressive Web Apps In React With Create React App-APoLLo
English | Size: 164.98 MB
Category: Tutorial

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) allow a user to use your web app online or offline, and lets them install the app onto their iOS or Android device just like a native app. Sounds great, right? But it can be tricky to properly configure a PWA, and not every feature works on every browser or device. – SEO Friendly Progressive Web Applications With Angular Universal – SEO Friendly Progressive Web Applications With Angular Universal-APoLLo
English | Size: 148.74 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course we will create an Angular application that will serve as a public website. Normally there are quite a few trade-offs by using a Single Page Application for a public website. For instance, they are hard to index by search engines and if you link to them on social media you get a generic preview. Also, the initial rendering can take a while (especially on mobile devices) as the browser has to pull in all the JavaScript in order to render a working app. – Test Production Ready Apps With Cypress – Test Production Ready Apps With Cypress-APoLLo
English | Size: 499.08 MB
Category: Tutorial

One of the most important – but most ignored – practices for web developers is performing end-to-end testing on applications before they go live into production. You know: making sure they work like they’re supposed to. But testing can be tedious, and definitely not fun. – Building Serverless Web Applications with React & AWS – Building Serverless Web Applications with React & AWS-APoLLo
English | Size: 166.48 MB
Category: Tutorial

React makes it intuitive to build real-world web application. But in reality, you need to use a host of other services to get the app in front of real users.