PluralSight – Deep Learning For Developer Crash Course Part 1 Microsoft Azure Plus Ai Conference 2019

PluralSight – Deep Learning For Developer Crash Course Part 1 Microsoft Azure Plus Ai Conference 2019-NOLEDGE
English | Size: 219.47 MB
Category: Tutorial

Don’t miss the upcoming Microsoft Azure + AI event on December 8-10 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Deep learning is at the center of many exciting application innovations, and yet, deep learning is also a way you can safely upgrade your existing applications with powerful new capabilities. In this two-part session, Zoiner Tejada does not focus on extremely forward looking innovation with deep learners that will take many years and specialized experts to create – it is not about creating the next self-driving car or champion level video game playing agent.

PluralSight – Five Services Every Developer Needs To Know Microsoft Azure Plus Ai 2019

PluralSight – Five Services Every Developer Needs To Know Microsoft Azure Plus Ai 2019-NOLEDGE
English | Size: 210.36 MB
Category: Tutorial

Notes: Microsoft Azure + AI Conference 2019 | Five Services Every Developer Needs to Know | Scott Hunter & Paul Yuknewicz Microsoft Azure is a powerful platform with amazing services available at your fingertips! However, it can also be hard to know which services to pick when you’re getting started with cloud application development. In this session, Scott Hunter and Paul Yuknewicz will cover how to get started with cloud development in Azure using the five most common services that most .NET applications need to run in the cloud

PluralSight – Develop Apps With Machine Learning In Net Microsoft Azure Plus Ai Conference 2019

PluralSight – Develop Apps With Machine Learning In Net Microsoft Azure Plus Ai Conference 2019-NOLEDGE
English | Size: 223.67 MB
Category: Tutorial

Notes: Don’t miss the upcoming Microsoft Azure + AI event on December 8-10 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada.n Get started with ML.NET so you can create
machine learning models in C# to run impressive predictions and use them in your .NET applications! Create innovation in your apps with scenarios such as sentiment analysis, anomaly detection, text classification, object detection and many more!

Linkedin Learning – Microsoft Power Apps AI Builder Online Class

Linkedin Learning – Microsoft Power Apps AI Builder Online Class-ZH
English | Size: 210.52 MB
Category: Tutorial

Microsoft Power Apps gives both business power users and professional developers the ability to quickly create powerful, low-code/no-code business apps. With the AI Builder in Power Apps, you can make your apps and workflows even smarter by adding AI capabilities no programming experience required. In this course, instructor Gini von Courter helps you get up and running with AI Builder, showing you how to create custom AI models that can be used in Power Apps or Power Automate. Gini explains how to create AI automation for tasks such as form processing, object detection, and text classification. Along the way, she demonstrates how to build each model; train, review, and test the models; and then implement them in your projects

PluralSight – Kubernetes Github And Devops Microsoft Azure Plus Ai Conference 2019-NOLEDGE

PluralSight – Kubernetes Github And Devops Microsoft Azure Plus Ai Conference 2019-NOLEDGE
English | Size: 246.15 MB
Category: Tutorial

Greenfield By itself, Kubernetes is not necessarily a developer-friendly platform. Building, deploying, and testing microservice-oriented applications can involve a lot of manual work and copious amounts of YAML. Thankfully, Azure has the tools you need to make Kubernetes approachable and productive for
developers. In this session, John Stallo and Nicholas Greenfield will cover how you can use tools like Azure Dev Spaces to swiftly onboard developers onto complex applications and how to rapidly iterate and test applications with dozens or hundreds of microservices. John and Nicholas will also cover how to use Azure Pipelines to increase confidence in code rollouts by testing GitHub pull requests in the context of the broader application running in Azuren Kubernetes Service