Rationality From AI to Zombies

Rationality: From AI to Zombies
English | Size: 1.34 GB
Category: Tutorial

What does it actually mean to be rational? Not Hollywood-style “rational”, where you forsake all human feeling to embrace Cold Hard Logic. Real rationality, of the sort studied by psychologists, social scientists, and mathematicians. The kind of rationality where you make good decisions, even when it’s hard; where you reason well, even in the face of massive uncertainty; where you recognize and make full use of your fuzzy intuitions and emotions, rather than trying to discard them.

Oreilly – Strata Data and Ai Superstream Series Data Analytics From Collection to Visualization-iLLiTERATE

Oreilly – Strata Data and Ai Superstream Series Data Analytics From Collection to Visualization-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 1.81 GB
Category: Tutorial

About the Strata Data & AI Superstream Series: This three-part series of half-day online events gives attendees an overarching perspective of key topics in data and AI today, including deep learning, data analytics, and natural language processing. Each of these areas is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with more computing power, data, and innovative algorithms.

PluralSight – Deep Learning For Developer Crash Course Part 1 Microsoft Azure Plus Ai Conference 2019

PluralSight – Deep Learning For Developer Crash Course Part 1 Microsoft Azure Plus Ai Conference 2019-NOLEDGE
English | Size: 219.47 MB
Category: Tutorial

Don’t miss the upcoming Microsoft Azure + AI event on December 8-10 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Deep learning is at the center of many exciting application innovations, and yet, deep learning is also a way you can safely upgrade your existing applications with powerful new capabilities. In this two-part session, Zoiner Tejada does not focus on extremely forward looking innovation with deep learners that will take many years and specialized experts to create – it is not about creating the next self-driving car or champion level video game playing agent.

PluralSight – Five Services Every Developer Needs To Know Microsoft Azure Plus Ai 2019

PluralSight – Five Services Every Developer Needs To Know Microsoft Azure Plus Ai 2019-NOLEDGE
English | Size: 210.36 MB
Category: Tutorial

Notes: Microsoft Azure + AI Conference 2019 | Five Services Every Developer Needs to Know | Scott Hunter & Paul Yuknewicz Microsoft Azure is a powerful platform with amazing services available at your fingertips! However, it can also be hard to know which services to pick when you’re getting started with cloud application development. In this session, Scott Hunter and Paul Yuknewicz will cover how to get started with cloud development in Azure using the five most common services that most .NET applications need to run in the cloud