Lynda – Programming Foundations – Databases

Lynda – Programming Foundations – Databases [AhLaN]
English | Size: 333.70 MB
Category: Tutorial

Once you get beyond basic programming, you’ll need a database. Databases provide a consistent, organized structure for storing and retrieving large amounts of data. They allow programmers to build more complex applications that can take orders, process payments, make recommendations, authenticate users, and more. This course provides the foundation you need to get started in database programming. Explore the terminology: normal forms, ACID and CRUD, referential integrity, transactions, records, and tables. Learn what role keys and unique values play in a relational model. Discover how to design the best system to contain your data, starting with the tables and relationships at the core of your database. Find out how to write queries to extract the data you need, and how to juggle the different demands of storage, access, performance, and security. Instructor Scott Simpson provides practical examples and clear explanations that will help you design databases that can withstand the needs of your applications, your data, and your users.

Lynda – Programming Foundations – Programming for Kids

Lynda – Programming Foundations – Programming for Kids [AhLaN]
English | Size: 665.03 MB
Category: Tutorial

Kids are naturally excited about building, whether it’s building blocks or building rockets. Programming can be just as much fun. And the skills kids gain programming can help them feel accomplished, while giving them a head start in our fast-paced digital world. This course is designed to help parents and educators introduce programming concepts to kids of all ages, from grammar school to high school. David Gassner starts with a description of different learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, or visual) and talks about how kids’ programming tools appeal to different styles. He then introduces mobile device apps for young programmers that let them animate graphical images using simple block-based programming. For older kids, he introduces software such as Scratch for more advanced animation, MIT App Inventor for programming real Android apps, and tools that teach core languages like JavaScript and Java. The final chapter covers how kids can work with robots and other hardware like the Raspberry Pi, which show how programming can work in the real world.

Lynda – Programming Foundations – Secure Coding [AhLaN]

Lynda – Programming Foundations – Secure Coding [AhLaN]
English | Size: 538.86 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn how to incorporate security into the software development life cycle. Move security into your design and build phases by identifying common insecure code issues and embracing the mindset of a security professional. In this course, security architect Frank Moley provides a basic understanding of secure coding practices. Learn how to understand your attackers and risks and mitigate issues at critical junctures in your code, including thick app, client, and server interactions. Plus, explore how to prevent unauthorized access and data leaks with authentication and cryptography. Frank closes with an overview of security in each phase of the software development life cycle, and next steps for strengthening the security posture of your applications.

Lynda – Programming Foundations – Data Structures [AhLaN]

Lynda – Programming Foundations – Data Structures [AhLaN]
English | Size: 517.90 MB
Category: Tutorial

Once you get past simple programs with one or two variables, you’ll use data structures to store the values in your applications. Data structures are like containers-there’s one for every kind of data. While structures like arrays and queues are sometimes taken for granted, a deeper understanding is vital for any programmer who wants to know what’s going on “under the hood” and understand how the choices they’ve made impact the performance and efficiency of their applications. In this course, Kathryn Hodge provides an in-depth overview of the most essential data structures for modern programming. Starting with simple ways of grouping data, like arrays and structs, Kathryn gradually introduces more complex data structures, such as linked lists, stacks and queues, hash tables, and trees and graphs. Each lesson is accompanied by a real-world, practical example that shows the data structures in action. When you’re finished with the course, you’ll have a clear understanding of data structures and understand how to use them-in whatever language you’re programming in: C#, Swift, JavaScript, Java, Python, and more.

Lynda – Programming Foundations – Algorithms

Lynda – Programming Foundations – Algorithms [AhLaN]
English | Size: 231.89 MB
Category: Tutorial

Algorithms are the universal building blocks of programming. They power the software you use every day, whether it’s a spreadsheet, a social network, or a driving assistant. Algorithms offer a way to think about programming challenges in plain English, before they are translated into a specific language like C# or JavaScript. In this course, author and developer Joe Marini explains some of the most popular and useful algorithms for searching and sorting information, working with techniques like recursion, and understanding common data structures. He also discusses the performance implications of different algorithms and how to evaluate the performance of a given algorithm. Each algorithm is shown in practice in Python, but the lessons can be applied to any programming language.