WesBos – FullStack Advanced React & Graphql 24.1

WesBos – FullStack Advanced React & Graphql 24.1
English | Size: 5.27 GB
Category: Tutorial

This is a course that will tech you everything you need to build a full stack application with React.js and GraphQL. Together we build an online store called Sick Fits.
It’s GraphQL API with Node.js on the backend and React and Apollo on the front end.

ZDResearch Advanced Web Hacking

ZDResearch Advanced Web Hacking
English | Size: 2.50 GB
Category: Ethical hacking

This is the flagship web application security course provided by ZDResearch Training. In this course you will go through a multitude of web application security topics, all accompanied by demos and hands-on labs. Topics will cover traditional OWASP Top 10 issues as well as several other cutting-edge topics, such as HTML5 attacks, Source Code Auditing and Analysis, CAPTCHA bypass and many more.

PluralSight – Advanced C Sharp Collections

PluralSight – Advanced C Sharp Collections-JGTiSO
English | Size: 607.99 MB
Category: CBTs

Learn to use the full range of Microsoft collections, from lists and dictionaries to sets, queues, and concurrent and immutable collections. This course will explore the principles of ensuring code with collections is scalable and robust.