TDC- Journey of the Universe (2012)

TDC- Journey of the Universe (2012)
English | Size: 1.82 GB
Category: Documentary

Journey Of The Universe
Journey of the Universe is a dramatic and expansive film that reimagines the universe story and reframes the human connection to the cosmos. Created by a renowned team of scientists, scholars, and filmmakers, it is beautifully filmed in HD on the Greek island of Samos, the birthplace of Pythagoras.

BBC – Hitler’s Children (2012)

BBC – Hitler’s Children (2012)
English | Size:

Their family name alone evokes horror: Himmler, Frank, Goering, Hoess. This film looks at the descendants of the most powerful figures in the Nazi regime: men and women who were left a legacy that indelibly associates them with one of the greatest abominations in history. What is it like to have grown up with a name that immediately raises images of genocide? How do they live with the weight of their ancestors’ crimes? Is it possible to move on from the crimes of their ancestors?

History Channel – Going Medieval (2012)

History Channel – Going Medieval (2012)
English | Size: 2.15 GB
Category: Documentary

Mike Loades has spent his life exploring history. He is a historian who believes that when you get your hands on the past, you discover what a surprising place it was – a place with familiar challenges but very different solutions.

Peter Diamandis – Abundance The Future Is Better Than You Think – Audiobook (2012) [2 MP3]

Peter Diamandis – Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think – Audiobook (2012) [2 MP3]
English | Size: 570.44 MB
Category: Self Improvement

Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think is a book by Dr. Peter Diamandis (Founder and Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation) and Steven Kotler (bestselling author and science journalist), published on February 21, 2012. It is a thrilling antidote to today’s dark pessimism. The authors rely on exhaustive research and extensive interviews with top scientists, innovators, and captains of industry to explore how four emerging forces-exponential technologies, the DIY innovator, the Technophilanthropist, and the Rising Billion-are conspiring to solve our biggest problems. Diamandis and Kotler examine the stunning impact these forces are having on categories of critical importance while establishing hard targets for change, laying out a strategic road map for governments, industry, and entrepreneurs, and giving us plenty of reason for optimism.