Skillshare – StackStorm Event Driven Automation Tool for DevOps and Infrastructure-ViGOROUS
English | Size: 1.72 GB
Category: TUtorial
This unique course is designed to become an expert in bash shell scripting to automate repetitive tasks.
As we know that most of the organizations are moving into Linux and Unix operating system as its generally open source. Additionally, Linux, Unix skills gained by developers would make them more in demand.
From a developer perspective, this course not only cover command line commands, but also Bash shell scripting to make you comprehensive developer expert in Linux \ Unix OS.
The topic covered are as follows:
How to write shell scripts from basic to advanced level
What is the shebang line and why every shell script need ones.
How to create and use variables
Testing and Decision Making
Command line arguments
Input and output
Conditional Statements
Exit status
filters like grep, awk, cut and sed
Case statements
Debugging tips
Bash Shell Options
Working with remote servers
Who this course is for:
Beginner Level to Advanced Level Automation Enginners with Bash Shell Scripting
Need minimum knowledge on Unix/Linux Commands
Desire to learn shell scripting
Any Unix-Like OS running on Physical Machine or Virtual Machine or Virtual Machine from Any Cloud Provider
What you’ll learn
Students will be able to understand shell scripting concepts
Students will be able to understand unix filters like awk, cut and sed
This course is helpful to Automate repetitive tasks in different Admin areas like Linux Admins, Middleware Admins, Database Admins, DevOps Admin and AWS Cloud Admins
Happy learning!!
RELEASE Skillshare.StackStorm.Event.Driven.Automation.Tool.for.DevOps.and.Infrastructure-ViGOROUS
URL www.skillshare.com
SOURCE Skillshare
DATE 2020-07-25
ex.FiLES Yes
GROUP NOTES: Looking for 10gbit
