Frontendmasters – Client-Side GraphQL in React

Frontendmasters – Client-Side GraphQL in React [AhLaN]
English | Size: 920.27 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn to use GraphQL on the client-side using React with Apollo Client. In this course, you’ll use queries and mutations to fetch and update GraphQL API data. You’ll go further with variables, inputs, aliases on fields. Then attach your queries and mutations to React and interact with an Apollo Server using React hooks to build amazing things with React and GraphQL!

Intuitive Healing with Inna Segal

Intuitive Healing with Inna Segal
English | Size: 732.41 MB
Category: Tutorial

Science has shown that 90% of illnesses are stress related. A major source of that stress comes from our minds and the negative thoughts that wreak havoc on our bodies.