Lifestyle Academy – Real estate passive income (Seminar – 9 modules + manual)

Lifestyle Academy – Real estate passive income (Seminar – 9 modules + manual)
English | Size: 8.04 GB
Category: Business

WELCOME! The Financial Freedom Seminar is two full days of information and learning to help you gain financial freedom and wealth. Use this guide to follow the seminar and to take notes.

PluralSight – Getting Started with npm

PluralSight – Getting Started with npm-ELOHiM
English | Size: 111.83 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course will teach you to use npm with your web development projects, and other development projects to do basic and advanced tasks, and also to publish your own packages to NPM.

Lynda – Learning Django

Lynda – Learning Django-APoLLo
English | Size: 223.24 MB
Category: Tutorial

With Django, you can take web applications from concept to launch in a matter of hours. It’s a free and open-source framework that’s designed on top of Python and supports data-driven architecture. In this course, learn what you need to know to get up and running with Django. Instructor Caleb Smith walks through creating a brand-new Django project, defining a data model and fields, querying the database, and using the framework’s built-in URL handlers, views, and templates to structure the rest of the back end. Plus, learn how to incorporate CSS and JavaScript to enhance the style and usability of your Django templates.

Bob Proctor – The Art of Goal Creation

Bob Proctor – The Art of Goal Creation
English | Size: 5.81 GB
Category: Self Improvement

It doesn’t matter where you are; you are nowhere compared to where you can go.
Bob Proctor
Set a Goal So BIG and Audacious That It Is Actually WORTHY of You .and We’ll Provide the System and Tools to Make It a Reality.