Linux Academy – Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin LFCS

Linux Academy – Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin LFCS-BiFiSO
English | Size: 4.83 GB
Category: CBTs

The Linux job market continues to grow and expand, and this course will help prepare you for one of the standard industry Linux administration certifications. This course has been designed to match the domains, skills, knowledge, and competencies as detailed by the Linux Foundation.

PluralSight – Microsoft Ignite 2019 Conference-REBAR

PluralSight – Microsoft Ignite 2019 Conference-REBAR
English | Size: 24.62 GB
Category: Tutorial

Microsoft Ignite is the place to learn from the experts, connect with your community, and explore the digital session catalog of the latest technology. Learn innovative ways to build solutions and migrate and manage your infrastructure. Sessions focused on software development, security, architecture, and IT will help you innovate in areas such as security, cloud and hybrid infrastructure and development.

Linux Academy – Building a Full-Stack Serverless Application on AWS

Linux Academy – Building a Full-Stack Serverless Application on AWS
English | Size: 932.83 MB
Category: AWS

This course covers building serverless fundamentals and explores how to leverage various AWS services to build a basic full-stack (front end, business logic, and back end) application without any virtual machines or servers to maintain. Knowledge of serverless fundamentals is expected prior to this course, as we’ll be more hands-on and see it work firsthand, building confidence in the benefits it provides. Some of the AWS services we’ll work on during this course are:

PluralSight – Ng Conf 19 Amazing Backends For Angular Devs With NestJS

PluralSight – Ng Conf 19 Amazing Backends For Angular Devs With NestJS-REBAR
English | Size: 311.18 MB
Category: Tutorial

Your front end is killer. It’s jacked up with Angular and powered by TypeScript. You got well-defined services, slim components, and pipes that make your data shine. How about your backend? Take your existing skills and make amazing backends with NestJS! Nest is a framework that embraces TypeScript and the power of Node. With it, you can write your backends in a style that feels similar to writing Angular apps, but also embraces modern MVC architectures found in other popular backend frameworks. And since it is based on Node and Express, you benefit from the deep ecosystem of libraries found there.

Linux Academy – AWS Developer Tools Deep Dive

Linux Academy – AWS Developer Tools Deep Dive-BiFiSO
English | Size: 4.26 GB
Category: CBTs

Welcome to the AWS Developer Tools Deep Dive. AWS Developer Tools are designed to help you build software like Amazon. They facilitate practices such as continuous delivery and infrastructure as code for serverless, containers, and Amazon EC2. The Developer Tools suite consists of seven services: CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, X-Ray, Cloud9, and CodeStar. This course will begin with an introductory section on DevOps basics, Git/GitHub, and CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) concepts. The course will then take a deep dive into each of the seven Developer Tools services, using real-world examples to provide hands-on walkthroughs throughout the course. To further ingrain the concepts of the course, several hands-on labs are provided.