Sonic Academy How To Make Uplifting Trance with Bjorn Akesson TUTORiAL

Sonic Academy How To Make Uplifting Trance with Bjorn Akesson TUTORiAL-ADSR
English | Size: 12.90 GB
Category: Tutorial

After his interview with Chris, Swedish native and uplifting trance star Bjorn Akesson is back on Sonic Academy, this time with a monster course – How To Make Uplifting Trance, Bjorn shows from the first kick to the last effect, how to produce an uplifting 138 monster in this 7 hour course in Cubase 8. He starts by looking at how to write a main theme, builds the drums and basslines, then moves to some truly great lead layering tricks and tips and finishes off adding in some serious effects and finally mixing

PluralSight – Filter Data from Couchbase Using N1QL

PluralSight – Filter Data from Couchbase Using N1QL-JGTiSO
English | Size: 533.47 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course covers the searching of documents in Couchbase using the N1QL query language. There is a focus on defining filters based on the document attributes, whether they are primitive types such as numbers or complex data such as arrays.

BBC The Sky at Night – A Beginner’s Guide (2020)

BBC The Sky at Night – A Beginner’s Guide (2020)
English | Size: 677 MB
Category: Documentary

The Sky at Night team go back to basics to show you how to enjoy the night sky, wherever you are. It doesn’t matter if you live in a city or in the countryside, if you have a telescope, a pair of binoculars or just your eyes to look with.

Cloud Academy – Analyzing Resource Utilization on Azure

Cloud Academy – Analyzing Resource Utilization on Azure-STM
English | Size: 901.97 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course looks into how to capture log data and metrics from Azure services and feed this information into different locations for processing. We take a look at diagnostic logging, which can help to troubleshoot services, and create queries and alerts based on that data. We also look into Azure Adviser, cost consumption reporting, and how we can baseline resources. This is an introduction to these advanced areas of Azure services

Linkedin Learning – Security for the SMB Implementing the NIST Framework

Linkedin Learning – Security for the SMB Implementing the NIST Framework-ZH
English | Size: 210.54 MB
Category: Tutorial

Cybersecurity incidents impact organizations of all sizes, in all sectors. Small and medium businesses (SMBs) may not have the same infrastructure or resources for security, but face the same risks. In this course, Ron Woerner explains how to secure SMB assets, systems, and networks, leveraging the five functions of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover as a scaffold for creating a robust cybersecurity program. Learn how to identify your assets and necessary levels of access, set up defenses such as firewalls and encryption monitor your systems, create an effective incident response plan and use backups and cloud services to ensure you can recover and resume operations as quickly as possible