Linux Academy – CentOS Enterprise Linux 8 Essentials-APoLLo

Linux Academy – CentOS Enterprise Linux 8 Essentials-APoLLo
English | Size: 859.68 MB
Category: CBTs

In this course, we’ll detail some of the major changes between CentOS 7 and CentOS 8 while also covering some basic Linux essential skills. We will walk through the installation of CentOS 8 using multiple different methods, work with different tools to manage the operating system, and cover new utilities available with CentOS 8.

BBC – Scotland Contains Strong Language (2020)

BBC – Scotland: Contains Strong Language (2020)
English | Size: 1.07 GB
Category: Documentary

Schooled in Fife, coming of age in a rock ‘n’ roll band, then finding her forte was directing temperamental actors, Cora Bissett is no stranger to theatrical Scottish swearing. So who better to present a celebration of Caledonian cursing?

Tesla secrets code

Tesla secrets code
English | Size: 1.51 GB
Category: Self Improvement

Are you trying really hard to make your dreams come true but you always keep on failing? Are you looking for a proven guide to help you actualize your dream? If yes then Tesla Code Secrets by Alex West is what you have been looking for. The Tesla Code Secrets is an exclusive program created to help elevate the lifestyle of people who are looking for greater success in life. The author has listed and explained life hacks and principles that were put in place by Nikola Tesla, a genius scientist who is widely known for coming up with theories of alternating current and other famous science theories. Tesla was also the main guy behind the patented wireless communication which is the core concept that the modern day radio and television broadcasting uses. With the help of this program, you can be able to remodel your life to achieve anything that you want. Tesla Code Secrets will give you guideline of what you need to do to achieve your dreams quicker.

PluralSight – Developing Daemons and Services Protected by Azure Active Directory

PluralSight – Developing Daemons and Services Protected by Azure Active Directory-ELOHiM
English | Size: 238.17 MB
Category: Tutorial

Headless processes commonly referred to as daemons or services have no opportunity to present an authentication user interface. Yet they must be able to access Azure AD protected resources. In this course, Developing Daemons and Services Protected by Azure Active Directory, you ll learn to securely call Azure AD protected APIs from headless processes. First you ll explore the flows available to headless applications and the basics of service principals. Next, you ll discover how to perform client credential flow with both REST or APIs on .NET, NodeJS and Python. Finally you ll learn how to master managed identities when working in Azure. When you re finished with this course, you ll have the skills and knowledge of the various facilities Azure AD offers needed to author headless applications that need to call secure APIs in Azure

Linux Academy – Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin LFCS

Linux Academy – Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin LFCS-BiFiSO
English | Size: 4.83 GB
Category: CBTs

The Linux job market continues to grow and expand, and this course will help prepare you for one of the standard industry Linux administration certifications. This course has been designed to match the domains, skills, knowledge, and competencies as detailed by the Linux Foundation.