Overview of Azure Services | Cloud Academy

Overview of Azure Services | Cloud Academy
English | Size: 422.83 MB
Genre: eLearning

Azure is Microsoft’s Cloud Computing platform. It is an amalgamation of services for creating, deploying and managing applications that run in Microsoft’s secure worldwide data centers. The set of services can make virtually any software solution possible, from large retail targeting a global audience to CPU-intensive, scientific data calculations, to simple data backups. Almost any software that can be imagined can be written to take advantage of Azure services and can run in the Microsoft Cloud.

In this course, we will review the categories of services available in Azure today, then select some of the more commonly used services for a closer look. We will wrap up with a conceptual overview of how we can combine many Azure services to build a more ambitious solution. By the end of the course, you should have a general appreciation for the breadth of available services and start to see how they can be composed to create more powerful business solutions.

This course is for developers, operations engineers, and other IT professionals. Viewers should have a basic understanding of the cloud and cloud terminology.

The Learning Objectives for the course are:

● Learn what categories of Azure services exist and what problems they address.

● Learn the most common Azure services and how to use them now.

● Learn how you can combine Azure services.

Lessons Include:

Welcome and Introduction: These brief lectures will introduce you to the instructor and let you know what you’ll be covering.

Azure Services: A description of how to build your first service.

Service Catagories: Overview of the 14 categories of Azure Services

Services Drill Down: A look at Websites, SQL Database, and Storage

Managing Services: This lesson includes a Security Center demo and a Command Line Interface demo.

Putting it Together: Tying all that you’ve learned into some real-life examples.

Conclusion: A wrap-up of what you’ve learned.



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