Message Queuing with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) | Pluralsight

Message Queuing with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) | Pluralsight
English | Size: 199.21 MB
Genre: eLearning

This course will teach you all you need to know about Amazon SQS, including how to secure a queue with permissions, receive and delete messages, subscribe an SQS queue to an SNS topic, and how to purge and delete SQS queue and messages.

Creating messaging queues inside your code is time-consuming and prone to introducing bugs into your application. Cloud-based providers and the services that they offer are becoming the new go-to. In this course, Message Queuing with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), you’ll learn to effectively manage and use Amazon SQS. First, you’ll take an in-depth look at Amazon SQS, this includes receiving and deleting messages, subscribing our SQS queue to an SNS topic, and how to purge and delete messages and queues. Next, you’ll explore setting up an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to help secure your resources by controlling access to them. Finally, you’ll discover how to create two .NET Core Lambda applications, the first will add messages to your SQS queue and the second application will be a Lambda function that will read the messages from your queue. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to use Amazons SQS effectively and efficiently.

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