Egghead.io – Scalable Offline-Ready Graphql Applications With AWS AppSync and React-APoLLo
English | Size: 197.88 MB
Category: Tutorial
With GraphQL, you can define the shape of your data in a schema, and GraphQL will fulfill the request with the precise data you need. When you need it. This doesn’t come without a cost. GraphQL adds a lot of complexity to your application by requiring you to define your schemas through types, mutations, and resolvers.
AppSync is a fully managed serverless GraphQL service that fast-tracks your API development. You can define a single type, and AppSync auto-generates a schema, queries, mutators, and subscriptions for you.
In this course, Nader Dabit will show you how to:
build a production-ready GraphQL API through AWS AppSync
create and modify data through the AWS AppSync console
connect a React application to the GraphQL API
execute queries, mutations, and subscriptions for data through the API in React
SOURCE: Egghead.io
DATE: 2020-07-14
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