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Genre: eLearning
Learn to master modern CMake Projects, Unit Tests, Continuous Tools and more to use in your daily C/C++ workflow!
What you’ll learn
CMake (Command Line and GUI)
Create modern C/C++ Projects
Use external Projects via Git, Conan and VCPKG
Automate the HTML Documentation (Doxygen)
Unit Testing with Catch2
Code Coverage of the Unit Tests
Continuous Integration with Github Actions
Tooling: Clang-Format, Clang-Tidy, Cppcheck
Tooling: Sanitizer, Cmake-Format, Pre-Commit
VSCcode and VS 2022 with GCC, Clang and MSVC
“Thank you Jan for this course which allowed me to learn enough about CMake and more. I am very happy.” (Cyrille Guetsop Guimapi)
“Very profound and exciting course. Appropriate level andvery good speaker.” (Felix Maschek)
“Am now almost through and very satisfied. I was looking for a good overview of (c)makefiles and its possibilities. The course is definitely recommended for this.” (Franz Gaar)
“This exciting course provides solid knowledge about CMake and its use with other professional tools.” (Frank Behrendt)
“Very comprehensive course for anyone interested in creating and maintaining professional software projects (in this case C++). Besides the basic understanding of Makefiles and the detailed introduction to CMake, best practices are not missed out. Working with GitHub, continuous integration tools, gtest and a benchmarking framework is also included.” (Steffen Lang)
Course Description:
You want to take the next step as a C/C++ developer to get a professional foothold in these exciting languages?
Then my course is the right one for you.
This course consists of the following topics:
Installing the software for Windows, Linux and Mac
Works for any GCC, Clang and MSVC Compiler
CMake Tutorial (Libraries, Targets, Install etc.)
Doxygen Documentation
VCPKG and Conan Package Manager
Unit Testing with Catch2
Code Coverage and CI Testing
Tooling: LTO, Clang-Tidy, Clang-Format, pre-commit, cmake-format
Tooling: Sanitizers, Workflow in VSCode and VS2022
Debugging and Running the Software.
Become a professional today, in the technology of tomorrow!
See you in class!
Who this course is for:
Every C and C++ Programmer

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