BBC – How Pop Songs Work (2008)

BBC – How Pop Songs Work (2008)
English | Documentary | Size: 1.11 GB

Celebration of the magic of pop music and the skill and musical dexterity that goes into writing, performing and producing hit records. – Become an API Integrator – Become an API Integrator
English | Tutorial | Size: 97.56 MB[/center
Application Programmable Interface (API) is a software intermediary that allows two applications to interact with each other.

PluralSight – Angular Getting Started UPDATED 2022/07/06

PluralSight – Angular Getting Started UPDATED 20220706 Bookware-KNiSO
English | Tutorial | Size: 920.30 MB

Angular is one of the fastest, most popular open source web app frameworks today, and knowing how to use it is essential for developers.