20ReactApps – Make 20 React Applications

20ReactApps – Make 20 React Applications
English | Size: 1.57 GB
Genre: eLearning

Create more than a “hello world” or “to-do app” Here are 20 fun apps to learn new skills and add to your portfolio.

What will you learn?

People always say, “Create something to learn.” They never say what to create!

This course is intended for those who have knowledge of React, but want to write some real code.

This course is built entirely on React Hooks, so you get a deeper understanding:

React Hooks such as useState and useEffect
We do real things like routing, authentication, JSX
State management
React rendering
Communication between components
This course is for those who want to learn and create.

These 20 applications are fun projects that will introduce us to the scenarios that we will encounter in our daily work, third-party projects and any React applications.

We focus on creating something fun, fast. Each application can take from 15 minutes to an hour.

VS Code Setup
Terminal Setup (npm vs yarn)
Starter and Final Files in GitHub
00 – Pomodoro [PREVIEW]
01 – Time and Start
02 – Stop and Reset
03 – Restarting the Timer [FIX]
00 – Markdown Editor [PREVIEW]
01 – Markdown Editor
00 Browser Tabs [PREVIEW]
01 – Tab Highlight
02 – React Router
03 – Refactoring
00 – Paper Rock Scissors [PREVIEW]
01 – Intro + Handling Choices
02 – Displaying Game State
03 – Choosing Winner
00 – Moving Boxes and Link [PREVIEW]
01 – Setting Up Canvas and Box
02 – Keyboard Arrows
03 – Link Sprites
04 – Custom Hook and Background
00 – Infinite Image Gallery [PREVIEW]
01 – Getting Images from Unsplash
02 – Infinite Scroll
03 – Searching Unsplash
04 – useEffect’s 2nd Argument
00 – Trivia [PREVIEW]
01 – Getting and Displaying a Question
02 – Selecting a Category
03 – Handling Right and Wrong
04 – Scoreboard
05 – useTrivia Custom React Hook
00 – Authentication [PREVIEW]
01 – Setting Up Auth0
02 – Starting with the Auth0 SPA SDK
03 – Starting React Context
04 – Adding Auth0 to Context
05 – PrivateRoute
06 – Getting a Token
Updates Are Coming



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