.Net & Microservice Architecture Project Building | Udemy

.Net & Microservice Architecture Project Building | Udemy
English | Size: 9.53 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
You will build a project with MicroService Architecture
We will try to tell you how to design a project architecture independently of any business
We will try to tell you how to design a project architecture independently of any business
How to build a project with .Net 5
Fundementals of ASP NET Core Web Framework
How to use Entity Framework Core with Repository Pattern
You will learn how to use MS SQL Server and InMemory DB with Entity Framework Core
You will learn Crud operation with MongoDB as data layer of microservice project
You will learn how to use RabbitMQ with Net Core and how to design event bus with RabbitMQ for Event Bus Library
You will learn web socket programming which means two way communication with SignalR
You will implemet Clean Architecture Design Pattern of Uncle Bob
You will learn and implement CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and build microservice with CQRS from scratch
You will use MediatR Design Pattern with Mediatr Framework
You will apply API Gateway Design Pattern With Ocelot API Gateway for communication among your microservices
One of the most important is you will run all components of your microserveice environment on Docker by using Docker Compose
You will learn how to make documentation your Rest Apis with Swagger Open Api
Your are using Net Core Framework to build all environment

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Microservice Architecture is the most popular style of Software Architecture these days.

Almost every new software designed and produced does this using Microservices.

And not only that, there are many legacy applications that have migrated to Microservice Architecture.

Companies like Netflix, Amazon, Facebook. Uber and more losses have moved on to Microservices, becoming the de facto standard for Software Architecture.

As BestCodder (Ertuğrul Yılmaz / Hasan Denli),

we have prepared a training for you, our valuable trainees, with this very famous MicroService architecture of recent times.

We are developing an E-Sourcing project in Microservice architecture using Docker with .Net 5. During this project,

— MongoDB

— Docker

— Ms SQL

— Rabbit MQ Library


— MediatR design Pattern

— Repository Pattern

— Event Sourcing

— SignalR

— Entity Framework

— docker

– create compose yaml file

— Code First structure

— Web API

— MVC Project

— We Use Microsoft Identity Features.

Our aim is to offer the tender instantly and develop our project as Microservice with SignalR, RabbitMQ and EventSource’ing, and we create a training that can always be at hand for our valuable trainees.

In our project, we get rid of a huge responsibility by leaving our local installations under the responsibility of docker, and at the same time, thanks to docker, we get away from the problem that it was working on my computer.

Because with docker – compose , we enable it to work everywhere with the same features .

If you want to create Api projects, If you want to write your projects and layers independently from each other via Microservices,

If you want to learn how to integrate RabbitMq Library into your project,

If you want to show instant changes to your users with SignalR and If you want to do with CQRS and MediatR approach in clean architecture, this course is for you.

Who this course is for:
Developers who earn new abilities with Microservice architecture
Asp Net Core Developers who are curious about application development logic in Microservice Architecture from Beginner to Senior level
C# Software Lovers who are curious about the architectural approaches needed while developing an Enterprise Application



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